Happy Thanksgiving

Like many others, I am taking a moment to share what I am thankful for. Family I have known for years how lucky I am to come from such a loving family. My mother is caring, a little dorky, and burns toast constantly. She makes me crazy but I’m always excited to see her and…

That View

I try every day to feel peaceful about something. It is said over and over again that we need just one moment during the day to appreciate something before we get on with the daily grind. Why only one moment? How is ‘just a moment’ effective when there are 24 hours in a day? It…


Nostalgia is the biggest bone in my body. Pictures can send me to strange places, but I’m addicted to looking at them. I recently took time to clean up my computer and found photos from my college years; years that seem not so far away. This was the most magical time of my life. I…

Documented Words

It’s hard to write poetry when you’re not emotionally compromised. I wonder if poetry is some secretion that leaks from one’s mind when it’s broken. Or maybe, like tears, the words come streaming out as a way to heal what burns. I suppose the production of poetry is a good reference point for one’s state…

New Stuff

Click here to visit my new site A Teacher’s Tales. This is a blog about my life as a new teacher. I would love to hear your stories and read comments. As always, thank you for the support!

Mental Health Days

After a six day school week, surrounded by people (yes, most of them friends) I am struck by how unfamiliar I feel to myself. I am an introvert, as many writers are, and I am well aware of my need to have quiet time to refresh so that I can be the most effective person…

Fault in our Stars

What an amazingly bright, incredibly heartbreaking, phenomenal movie. A Fault in Our Stars is a movie now in theaters based off of John Green’s novel. It was a tear jerker on paper and continued to make me cry while on screen. Even though these kids and families suffer from cancer, they still find the bright…

The Work of Children is to Play

This morning, I walk into a classroom filled with tables sprinkled with toys. Today is Child Development. I set down my bag filled with ‘healthy’ lunch, pens, books, and so many papers. The colors of the gadgets on the table contrast with the grey of the walls, the ceiling, the floors. If there were real…

Because I’m Happy

Today marks exactly one month from the first day of grad school. Yes, I forked out those dollars, panicked a little…a lot…and barreled head first into the most exciting, rewarding, and stimulating time of my life. There are so many poems and essays and posts of shadows and pain, and today I’m going to write…

The First Week

Today marks day one of my journey through a Master’s in Teaching program. Last night, as I lay down to sleep, I couldn’t keep my mind from buzzing..am I doing the right thing, taking out all this loan money for school?…what if I can’t make friends?…what if I end up hating it?…what if I’m late?…what…